Supercharge Your Financial Data with Trezy Classifier

The most powerful API for transaction enrichment, categorization, and company identification. Global coverage, 350+ categories, VAT estimation, and more.

Unlock the full potential of transaction data

Trezy Classifier goes beyond simple categorization, providing a wealth of enriched data for each transaction.

Global Coverage

Trezy is active worldwide. You can use Classify by Trezy in every languages. We have at the moment the most accurate classification process in Europe, Asia, Middle east, North American and South american bank transactions.

350+ Categories

Ultra-precise categorization with direct mapping to ledger accounts. Our categories structure is using accounting principle to make it easy for you to related it to your own mapping. Find the complete list of categories here.

Our categories

Supplier Intelligence

Trezy own the largest list of suppliers. With 68 millions suppliers available, find quickly the logo, description, website, industry, activity, country, categorization of your bank transaction easily.

VAT Estimation & payment terms & recurring payments

Trezy help you have real profitability insights from your customers by estimating the VAT paid or collected, the porbable payment term, and missed payments from recurring transactions.

Simple to use

We made it extremly simple to use for anyone that wants to get up and running today. With one single line of code, get access to the strongest enrichment of B2B bank transactions.

Learning from your own transactions

By sending your customer ID, Trezy is able to learn from your customer and give you more insights such as industry, profit during period, missed payment, fraudulent behaviour, sign of financial distress, major change, employee retention, stack used, and more.

Developer-First API

Built by developers, for developers. Integrate Trezy Classifier into your application in minutes.

Example API Request

    curl -X POST \
      -H 'accept: application/json' \
      -H 'Authorization: Bearer YOUR_API_KEY' \
      -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
      -d '{
        "description": "AMAZON.COM*MA8RJ",
        "amount": 29.99,
        "currency": "USD",
        "country": "US",
        "language": "en"

Example API Response

  "company_info": {
      "company_name": "",
      "activity": "E-commerce, cloud computing, digital streaming, and artificial intelligence",
      "company_description": "Global technology company and the world's largest e-commerce and cloud computing platform",
      "website_url": "",
      "domain": "",
      "logo_url": "",
      "icon_url": "",
      "clean_description": "amazoncom",
      "template_category_text": "MKT-0100: Amazon ads",
      "template_category_code": "MKT-0100",
  "additional_info": {
    "recurring_transaction_probability": 0.8,
    "foreign_transaction_flag": false,
    "transaction_medium": "Online",
    "economic_sector": "Tertiary",
    "vat_estimated": 0.06,
    "payment_term_estimated": "Immediate",
    "merchant_size": "Enterprise",
    "business_vs_personal": "Business",
    "potential_tax_implications": "Deductible",
    "environmental_impact": "Low"


Unparalleled Transaction Categorization

The most precise category transactions to give you more insights than you've ever had before.

Inflow Categories


  • AST-1100: Internally created intangible assets
  • AST-1200: Intangible assets in progress
  • AST-1300: Internally created property, plant and equipment
  • AST-1400: Property, plant and equipment in progress

Customer Transactions

  • CUS-1100: Customer chargeback
  • CUS-1200: Customer reimbursement
  • CUS-1300: Customer refund


  • EQT-0100: Subscribed capital-called, paid up

Exceptional Income

  • EXC-2000: Exceptional income on management operations
  • EXC-2100: Other exceptional income
  • EXC-2200: Income from penalties on purchases and sales
  • EXC-2300: Donations received
  • EXC-2400: Recoveries of receivables previously written off
  • EXC-2500: Other exceptional income on management operations
  • EXC-2600: Income from disposals of intangible assets
  • EXC-2700: Income from disposals of property, plant and equipment
  • EXC-2800: Income from disposals of financial assets (ownership rights)
  • EXC-2900: Income from disposals of other assets (loans, receivables, etc.)
  • EXC-3000: Gains from indexation clauses
  • EXC-3100: Miscellaneous exceptional income

Financial Income

  • FIN-1200: Income from equity investments
  • FIN-1300: Income from other financial assets
  • FIN-1400: Income from other receivables
  • FIN-1500: Discounts received
  • FIN-1600: Foreign exchange gains
  • FIN-1700: Other financial income
  • FIN-1800: Rebates on purchases
  • FIN-1900: Rebates on sales
  • FIN-2000: Income from equity investments
  • FIN-2100: Income from equity investments not valued by the equity method
  • FIN-2200: Income from shares in affiliated companies
  • FIN-2300: Income from other forms of equity investments
  • FIN-2400: Income from capitalized securities
  • FIN-2500: Income from loans
  • FIN-2600: Income from deposits
  • FIN-2700: Income from trade receivables
  • FIN-2800: Income from receivables related to equity investments
  • FIN-2900: Income from receivables related to joint ventures
  • FIN-3000: Income from capitalized receivables
  • FIN-3100: Income from money market funds
  • FIN-3200: Income from other short-term investments
  • FIN-3300: Discounts received on purchases
  • FIN-3400: Discounts received on sales


  • INS-1100: Insurance reimbursements received


  • INV-1100: Change in inventories of work in progress
  • INV-1200: Change in inventories of finished goods


  • REV-0300: Sales of goods
  • REV-0500: Royalties for concessions, patents, licenses, trademarks, processes, software, rights, and similar assets
  • REV-0510: Royalties for concessions, patents, licenses, trademarks, processes, software
  • REV-0520: Royalties for patents, licenses, trademarks, processes, software
  • REV-0530: Copyrights and reproduction rights
  • REV-0600: Rebates received from cooperatives
  • REV-0700: Miscellaneous operating income
  • REV-0800: Other services rendered
  • REV-0900: Sales of ancillary products
  • REV-1000: Royalties for concessions, patents, licenses, trademarks, processes, software received
  • REV-1100: Other rights and similar assets
  • REV-1200: Income from real estate not used for professional activities
  • REV-1300: Operating indemnities received
  • REV-1400: Miscellaneous operating income


  • SUB-0100: Operating subsidies
  • SUB-0200: Operating subsidies received from the State
  • SUB-0300: Operating subsidies received from regions
  • SUB-0400: Operating subsidies received from departments
  • SUB-0500: Operating subsidies received from municipalities
  • SUB-0600: Operating subsidies received from public organizations
  • SUB-0700: Operating subsidies received from private organizations
  • SUB-0800: Portion of investment subsidies transferred to income for the period - Regulatory
  • SUB-0900: Portion of investment subsidies transferred to income for the period - Financing


  • SUP-0100: Refund received from supplier


  • TRF-1100: Inter-account transfer
  • TRF-1200: Associates - Current accounts
  • TRF-1300: Intra-account transfer

Outflow Categories


  • ADM-0100: Postal and telecommunications costs
  • ADM-0200: Miscellaneous (memberships, donations, recruitment costs, etc.)
  • ADM-0300: Directors' fees
  • ADM-0400: Telecommunications costs
  • ADM-0500: Professional memberships
  • ADM-0600: Personnel recruitment costs
  • ADM-0700: Directors' fees and other director compensation


  • AST-0100: Depreciation of intangible assets
  • AST-0200: Depreciation of property, plant and equipment
  • AST-0300: Provisions for operating contingencies (on current assets)
  • AST-0400: Provisions for financial contingencies (on financial items)
  • AST-0500: Accelerated tax depreciation
  • AST-0600: Provisions for price increases


  • BNK-0100: Credit card bill
  • BNK-0200: Banking and related services
  • BNK-0300: International transaction fee
  • BNK-0400: Securities-related costs (purchase, sale, custody)
  • BNK-0500: Loan issuance commissions and fees
  • BNK-0600: Bill-related fees
  • BNK-0700: Other fees and commissions on services


  • CUS-0100: Customer chargeback
  • CUS-0200: Customer reimbursement
  • CUS-0300: Customer refund


  • EMP-0100: Employee compensation
  • EMP-0200: Social security and pension costs
  • EMP-0300: Personal social contributions of the operator
  • EMP-0400: Other social charges
  • EMP-0500: Employee reimbursement
  • EMP-0510: Employee spend - clothing and apparel
  • EMP-0520: Employee spend - airfare
  • EMP-0530: Employee spend - fuel
  • EMP-0540: Employee spend - parking
  • EMP-0550: Employee spend - car rental
  • EMP-0560: Employee spend - car leasing
  • EMP-0570: Employee spend - hotels and lodging
  • EMP-0580: Employee spend - public transportation
  • EMP-0590: Employee spend - rideshare and taxi
  • EMP-0600: Employee spend - tolls
  • EMP-0610: Employee spend - training and education
  • EMP-0620: Employee spend - food delivery
  • EMP-0630: Employee spend - restaurant
  • EMP-0640: Employee spend - convenience store
  • EMP-0650: Employee spend - coffee shop
  • EMP-0700: Salaries and wages
  • EMP-0800: Paid leave
  • EMP-0900: Bonuses and gratuities
  • EMP-1000: Various allowances and benefits
  • EMP-1100: Family supplement
  • EMP-1200: Social security contributions
  • EMP-1300: Mutual insurance contributions
  • EMP-1400: Pension and provident fund contributions
  • EMP-1500: Contributions to other social organizations
  • EMP-1600: Contributions to other social welfare funds
  • EMP-1700: Pension fund contributions for self-employed
  • EMP-1800: Provident fund contributions for self-employed
  • EMP-1900: Direct benefits
  • EMP-2000: Occupational medicine, pharmacy

Exceptional Expenses

  • EXC-0100: Exceptional expenses on management operations
  • EXC-0200: Charity donation
  • EXC-0300: Political donation
  • EXC-0400: Prior period expenses
  • EXC-0500: Book values of assets sold
  • EXC-0600: Other exceptional expenses
  • EXC-0700: Tax or criminal fines and penalties
  • EXC-0800: Donations, liberalities
  • EXC-0900: Receivables written off during the period
  • EXC-1000: Other exceptional expenses on management operations
  • EXC-1100: Prizes
  • EXC-1200: Miscellaneous exceptional expenses


  • EXP-0100: Purchases of raw materials
  • EXP-0200: Purchases of other supplies
  • EXP-0300: Purchases of studies and services
  • EXP-0400: Purchases of goods
  • EXP-0500: General subcontracting
  • EXP-0600: Rentals
  • EXP-0610: Property rentals
  • EXP-0620: Equipment rentals
  • EXP-0630: Rental and co-ownership expenses
  • EXP-0700: Maintenance and repairs
  • EXP-0800: Miscellaneous (documentation, conference fees, etc.)
  • EXP-0900: Royalties for concessions, patents, licenses, trademarks, processes, software, rights, and similar assets
  • EXP-1000: Miscellaneous operating expenses
  • EXP-1100: Subcontracting purchases
  • EXP-1200: Purchases of consumable materials
  • EXP-1300: Purchases of consumable supplies
  • EXP-1400: Purchases of packaging
  • EXP-1500: Purchases of equipment and works
  • EXP-1600: Non-storable supplies (water, energy, etc.)
  • EXP-1700: Maintenance and small equipment supplies
  • EXP-1800: Office supplies
  • EXP-2000: Miscellaneous operating expenses

Financial Expenses

  • FIN-0100: Losses on uncollectible receivables
  • FIN-0200: Interest expenses
  • FIN-0300: Discounts granted
  • FIN-0400: Foreign exchange losses
  • FIN-0500: Other financial expenses
  • FIN-0600: Interest expense
  • FIN-0700: Bank interest on financing transactions
  • FIN-0800: Interest on secured bonds
  • FIN-0900: Net expenses on disposals of short-term investments
  • FIN-1000: Losses on receivables related to equity investments
  • FIN-1100: Other financial expenses


  • INS-0100: Insurance premiums


  • INV-0100: Equity investments
  • INV-0200: Loans
  • INV-0300: Deposits and guarantees paid
  • INV-0400: Shares
  • INV-0500: Bonds

Legal and Professional Fees

  • LEG-0100: Accounting fees
  • LEG-0200: Consulting fees
  • LEG-0300: Legal fees
  • LEG-0400: Debt collection agency payment
  • LEG-0500: Contractor fees
  • LEG-0600: Recruiting fees
  • LEG-0700: Other Intermediary compensation and fees
  • LEG-0800: Commissions and brokerage fees on purchases
  • LEG-0900: Commissions and brokerage fees on sales
  • LEG-1000: Factoring fees
  • LEG-1100: Professional fees
  • LEG-1200: Legal fees and litigation costs


  • MKT-0100: Amazon ads
  • MKT-0200: Facebook ads
  • MKT-0300: Google ads
  • MKT-0400: Snapchat ads
  • MKT-0500: TikTok ads
  • MKT-0600: Twitter ads
  • MKT-0700: Events
  • MKT-0800: Other advertisement
  • MKT-0900: Advertising
  • MKT-1000: Catalogs and printed materials


  • OPS-0100: SAAS Tools
  • OPS-0110: HR SAAS Tools
  • OPS-0120: Marketing SAAS Tools
  • OPS-0130: Sales SAAS Tools
  • OPS-0140: Accounting and Finance SAAS Tools
  • OPS-0150: Project Management SAAS Tools
  • OPS-0160: IT and Development SAAS Tools
  • OPS-0170: Communication SAAS Tools
  • OPS-0180: Data and Analytics SAAS Tools
  • OPS-0190: Other SAAS Tools
  • OPS-0200: Purchases of external services
  • OPS-0210: Cloud Computing Services
  • OPS-0220: Web Hosting Services
  • OPS-0230: Data Processing Services
  • OPS-0240: Cybersecurity Services
  • OPS-0250: Backup and Disaster Recovery Services
  • OPS-0260: Content Delivery Network (CDN) Services
  • OPS-0270: Application Performance Monitoring Services
  • OPS-0280: Email and Communication Services
  • OPS-0290: Other External IT Services


  • TAX-0100: State - Corporate income taxes
  • TAX-0200: State - Value-added taxes
  • TAX-0300: Other taxes, duties, and similar payments
  • TAX-0400: Taxes and similar payments on compensation (tax authorities)
  • TAX-0500: Taxes and similar payments on compensation (other organizations)
  • TAX-0600: Other taxes and similar payments (tax authorities)
  • TAX-0700: Income taxes
  • TAX-0800: Territorial economic contribution
  • TAX-0900: Property taxes
  • TAX-1000: Other local taxes
  • TAX-1100: Vehicle taxes
  • TAX-1200: Non-recoverable taxes on revenue
  • TAX-1300: Registration and stamp duties
  • TAX-1400: Other duties
  • TAX-1500: Corporate solidarity social contribution
  • TAX-1600: Miscellaneous taxes


  • TRF-0100: Inter-account transfer
  • TRF-0200: Associates - Current accounts
  • TRF-0300: Intra-account transfer


  • TRN-0100: Transportation of goods and staff
  • TRN-0200: Travel, assignments, and receptions
  • TRN-0300: Receptions

Simple, Transparent Pricing

Pay only for what you use. No subscriptions, just straightforward API call pricing.

100k Credits


Perfect for small to medium projects

  • 100,000 API calls
  • Full feature access
  • Email support

500k Credits


Ideal for growing businesses

  • 500,000 API calls
  • Full feature access
  • Priority email support
  • Discounted rate per call

1M Credits


For large-scale applications

  • 1,000,000 API calls
  • Full feature access
  • Priority support
  • Best value per call
  • Custom integration assistance

Ready to supercharge your financial data?

Get started with Trezy Classifier in minutes. No credit card required.

Trusted by developers worldwide

Don't just take our word for it. Here's what developers are saying about Trezy Classifier.

"Trezy Classifier has revolutionized our transaction processing. The level of detail in the enrichment is unmatched."

Sarah L.

Senior Developer at Provisio.

"The API is a joy to work with. Clean, well-documented, and incredibly powerful. It's become an essential part of our stack."

Alex M.

CTO at Credivault.

"The global coverage and multi-language support have allowed us to expand our product to new markets with ease."

Yuki T.

Lead Engineer at Finvera

Frequently asked questions

If you can't find what you're looking for, feel free to contact our support team.

How accurate is the transaction classification?

Our AI-powered classification system achieves over 95% accuracy across all supported countries and languages, with continuous improvements based on new data.

Do you support real-time classification?

Yes, our API is designed for real-time classification with fast response time, allowing for seamless integration into your transaction flow.

How do you handle data privacy and security?

We take data privacy seriously. All data is encrypted in transit and at rest, and we are fully GDPR compliant.

Can I try for free?

Absolutely! sign up today and try our classification API for free.